Farm Fresh Blackberries -- Drooplet Perfection!
Since Blackberries don’t ripen after picking, you want to make sure you choose the sweetest ones.
How do you know?
Look closely at the berry’s surface. See those bumps? They’re called ‘drooplets’. The sweetest berries have ‘droops’ that look like little inflated water-balloons . . . large and shiny. Pick those!
(On U-Pick Days, you get to do a lot of taste-tasting direct from the canes . . . the best way to learn).
Do the same at the market . . . check out the “droops” . . . . Small “droops” tell you the fruit is a bit acidic.
Most commercial growers pick early so their product has a longer shelf-life, which makes sense but if you want the sweetest fruit, go to the farmers’ market, and find even sweeter berries when you pick them yourself.
There is more to learn about blackberries (and all our other products), so come visit us at the farm most Saturdays during blackberry season.
Check out our U-Pick Calendar here!