Our Italian flint corn, Floriani, makes an incomparable rustic polenta. Pick up a bag for tonight’s dinner and discover the eye-opening flavor difference of this specialty product.
Store-bought polenta has been processed to maximize shelf-life not taste (or health). . .
We do it differently.
We start with Floriani, an Italian heirloom flint (dried) corn. Modern corn varieties produce more per acre but Floriani wins all the taste tests.
Commercial polenta processors remove the delicious and nutritious parts (bran and germ) to extend shelf-life. Instead, we use the whole grain, so you get the taste and benefit of everything the plant has produced, stone-ground to keep the milling process at a low-temperature.
Our stone-mill is calibrated to produce a rustic-coarse grind, giving a beautiful cooked texture. Our preparation recipe is on the bag . . . but Floriani is delicious in any recipe. (Left-overs are great as golden pan-fried polenta squares . . . maybe better?)